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Sunday, February 25, 2018

7 Simple Flowers You Can Draw Today

Bible Journaling: 7 Simple Flowers You Can Draw Today
Have you ever wanted to draw a flower, but you weren't sure how to begin? A simple, cute little doodly flower? Maybe as a focal point, but also maybe just as something small.... to accent another, larger drawing?

Well, here are a few easy flowers for you to sketch in just minutes! (And if you like these, check out my post on how to draw wreaths & laurels.)

FYI, I'm using a micron pen here. They are great for Bible journaling as they do not bleed through thin pages, and they give a thin, but strong outline. For more Bible-J supplies, check out my post.

1. This first one is a set of three simple, round flowers with little dots in the center. Add some smaller twigs with dots on the ends, and finally some small leaves tucked into the crevices between the flowers. When you draw your circle, go around and around a few times. This hides the imperfections and gives it a cute, doodly quality.

2. This one is a simple, daisy-style flower. Start with a circle, going around a couple times. Then add your petal shapes. Again, trace them a few times to hide your imperfections. You can see I messed up a little, but once you go over it a couple times, you really don't notice as much.

3. Here are some simplified roses. Start with a swirl, then add a U shape under it. Next, I add some kind of banana-shaped calyx leaves. And finally, some jaggedy leaves on the stem. You can draw a single rose, or group them together like a little bouquet.

4. Here is a variation on roses. These are what they might look like from above, attached to the vine. Draw simple swirls, starting in the center and around and around. Add a couple more and then tuck the vines into the crevice/corner between the roses. Some simple, circular leaves attach to the vines. Add as many as you like to make it work for you.

5. For a dandelion-style flower, start with a stem. Draw over it a couple times, then add smaller stalks with little seeds on the ends. Scribble a halo around them to simulate the softness of a dandelion, then add long, jaggedy leaves. Finally, add a small line with a tiny halo of fluff to look like a seed floating away.

6. These are a kind of simplified lilac or hyacinth-style doodle. Start with a stem and add an upside-down tear drop to the end. Then add more teardrop shapes, getting bigger as you go down the stem.
Repeat this at the base of the flower, adding smaller stems and teardrops. Finally, add a few simple leaf-shapes.

7. Finally, this flower is a kind of mum or zinnia-style doodle. Begin with a circle. Again, draw over it a couple times to hide mistakes. Then, draw curly shapes around and around until the flower is as big as you want it. Your final like should attach to the one beneath it to complete the flower. Repeat this in smaller shapes next to the larger, central flower. Then tuck some leaves into the spaces between your blossoms.
Have fun and don't be afraid to experiment a little. To add color, you have lots of options! I like a splash of watercolor. Or you can try colored pencil or even crayons.
And there you have it! Seven easy-peasy flower doodles you can tuck into the corners of your Bible page designs. Which ones will you try? Comment on your favorites below. or show off your doodles by connecting with Bible Journaling Ideas on Facebook.
Want more ideas? Check out my post to see what you can do with white crayon in your Bible.